

The 道成肉身的大学's Teacher Education Program shares the following 政策 to provide guidance to prospective and current students as they prepare for Texas teaching certification.



The 校本 教师教育计划手册 provides an overview of the program for all 校本 Teacher Candidates. 本手册的目的是支持学生,因为他们通过程序进行, 准备申请教师教育计划, 在他们准备教师资格认证的时候.

的需求, 政策, and procedures are revised as needed to reflect program and Texas Education Agency changes. 手册每年一月更新.



德州教育法典:TEC§22.083 & §22.0835

All teacher candidates must comply with the background check requirements of all field experience sites (schools and organizations). If a student does not pass a background check, the program will be notified only of the status. The student will be directed to the organization's contact to get detailed information. Background checks will be conducted at different levels based on the organization's procedures and the level of interaction with minors. The inability to complete field experience requirements due to a background check may prevent students from completing the course and continuing in the program. 学生 who have any concerns about this requirement should contact the 教师教育主任 early in the program to discuss options.

校本 students should expect background checks to take place throughout the program and in professional practice, 包括:

  • 与课程相关的实地工作
  • 在临床教学之前
  • 在申请德州教学认证时
  • 在成为教育工作者之前


Potential and current students have the right to request a criminal history evaluation conducted by the Texas Education Agency. A 初步犯罪记录评估 (PCHE) is an evaluation of eligibility for a Texas educator certificate based on self-reported criminal history. 作为对潜在候选人的服务, TEA工作人员可以进行评估,费用为50美元,不可退还. 评估是自愿的,不具有约束力. TEA网站提供了更多的信息:



The 道成肉身的大学 acknowledges a responsibility to prepare and certify candidates who will be effective educators. Evidence of potential effectiveness includes academic, dispositional, and professional qualities.

Candidates must apply and be accepted to the Teacher Education Program prior to enrollment in designated professional development courses. TEP application requirements must be met at the point of application and maintained throughout the remainder of the program. Candidates are continuously assessed for academic proficiency as well as professional disposition. If a candidate's academic achievement does not meet program requirements or if issues arise concerning a candidate's fitness to be an educator, 候选人可能会被解雇. Acceptance to the Teacher Education Program permits advancement toward certification but does not guarantee program continuance or acceptance to 临床教学.

候选人可能被开除教师教育计划的原因包括, 但不限于, 以下几点:

  • 累积绩点低于2分.75
  • 多份轻中度违规的专业处置报告
  • 严重违反职业倾向(TEA教育工作者行为准则)
  • 犯罪背景调查排除了外勤安排
  • Transfer from the university or a one-year period of non-attendance (prior to 临床教学)
  • Failure to complete all certification requirements within three years of 临床教学 placement
  • Significant changes in the standards or test requirements for the certification field in which the candidate was prepared due to any period of inactivity

德克萨斯州行政法典:19 TAC§228.35 (a)(5)

uw的教师教育计划将评估并可能接受兵役, 培训, 或教育,以满足计划的先决条件入学要求. 服兵役, 培训, or education must be directly related to the certificate being sought and may not take the place of certification examinations. 服务, 培训, 或者教育可能不算作实习的一部分, 临床教学, or practicum requirements and must have been provided by an approved Educator Preparation Program or accredited institution of higher education within the past five years. 教师教育主任将决定是否服兵役, 培训, 或者教育是相关的,可以作为替代.

德克萨斯州行政法典:19 TAC§228.40 (d)

校本 certification candidates are eligible to begin the certification testing process upon acceptance to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). The program implements a three-step process to support the candidate's certification testing preparation. 对于每个认证考试, 候选人必须完成在线审查, 在练习测试中获得及格分数, 并在州考试中获得及格分数. 如果考生需要重新参加国家考试, an intervention plan will be developed based on the candidate’s demonstrated needs. This intervention plan must be completed before approval for state testing is provided.

uw教师教育计划提供实践测试并进行管理. The practice testing schedule is posted on the Teacher Education Program Canvas site and is accessible by all students in the Teacher Education Department.

The testing policy is reviewed for possible revision each calendar year and presented to teacher candidates as they begin their professional development coursework. The testing policy in effect at the time of testing applies to all 校本 certification candidates. 校本 students may not participate in certification testing preparation unless they have been officially accepted to the Teacher Education Program. 学生 must maintain good standing in TEP to continue in the testing process with 校本. 校本 is not permitted to offer certification testing support to candidates in other programs.

德克萨斯州行政法典:19 TAC§228.70 (b)

The 道成肉身的大学's Teacher Education Program is committed to maintaining a high-quality, 基于实地的程序,遵守特定的法律和规则, 一般与州和联邦的要求有关, 由德州教育局制定. The 校本 Complaint Procedure Guidelines provide the process to report concerns about our program for investigation and resolution in a timely and effective manner.


Dr. Elda E. 马丁内斯
电子邮件: eemartin@uiwtx.edu

Dr. 丹尼斯Staudt
电子邮件: staudt@uiwtx.edu

