Dr. Michael McGuire retires after 30 years at UIW

May 6, 2018

Professor leaves behind legacy of service

Dr. Michael McGuire headshot

SAN ANTONIO – Campus was much smaller when Dr. Michael McGuire于1987年来到道成肉身的大学, back when it was known as Incarnate Word College. 大多数早晨,他都会遛着他心爱的拉布拉多猎犬贝利穿过校园.

他回忆说,刚入职时,他是商学院唯一的经济学家. He’s taught economics to thousands of students since then, 但2018年春天将是他在黑板上的最后一个学期,因为这位受人尊敬的教授计划在长期工作后退休, fruitful career.

Dr. 麦奎尔出生并成长在俄克拉何马州的俄克拉何马城,并在那里高中毕业. 他继续在密苏里州的圣路易斯大学学习,并于1977年获得博士学位.D. in Economics from Syracuse University in New York.

在圣路易斯大学(Saint Louis University)读书时的一次中美洲之旅,培养了他日后研究和毕生工作的重点:满足基本需求的公共财政.

“有一年夏天,我去了洪都拉斯,和农村最穷的农民住在一起. That really had a big influence on me,” Dr. McGuire said. “我仍然记得唐·塞拉皮奥和他的家人住在乡下的一间小屋里,和他一起在地里干活. 那是一件改变人生的事,让我对帮助拉丁美洲人民产生了兴趣.”

他渴望为拉丁美洲人民服务,同时又对上帝有坚定的信仰. 麦奎尔来到圣安东尼奥,找到了一所有着同样目标的大学.

“I came to Incarnate Word because it is a Christian university, 这个使命是一个非常令人兴奋的使命——为在地球上建立上帝的国度做出贡献,” he said. “Which for me means family. We start the Lord’s prayer with ‘Our Father.’ We all have one Father. We’re all brothers and sisters. 我们应该有一个系统,一个世界,在这个世界里,我们像兄弟姐妹一样生活在一起. 基督教大学的使命就是为建立这样的世界做出贡献, 我认为能够参加这样一所大学是非常棒的.”

Dr. 麦圭尔认为,商业在社会和建立上帝的王国中发挥着至关重要的作用. It’s these ideas he’s brought to the classroom, placing an emphasis on the Christian call to support the poor. 他鼓励他的学生通过道德的商业行为来履行这一呼吁.

“For example, I teach Latin American economics. My focus is the basic needs approach to development. 基本需求法是为了满足低收入人群的基本需求, enhancing their productivity, their employability and their income,” Dr. McGuire said. “So, throughout my courses, 我在满足基本需求和试图将每个人纳入社会和经济体系方面评论这个或那个.”

Faith in Action

Dr. 麦圭尔在课堂之外一直是服务的灯塔,因为他忠实地履行了道成肉身的大学的使命.

在富布赖特协会的资助下,他在萨尔瓦多度过了两年教学生涯的早期. He and his wife, Patience, who is a retired educator, 他开始在中美洲大学(UCA)任教,当时正值萨尔瓦多内战,是该国历史上最动荡的时期.

During their first year at UCA, 六名在澳门博彩官网下载和工作的耶稣会牧师被萨尔瓦多军队士兵杀害,因为他们支持通过谈判解决战争. With the university facing an uncertain future, Dr. 麦圭尔和他的妻子选择在这里待了第二年,继续他们的工作, despite the continued threat of violence.

True to his passion for serving Latin America, Dr. 在接下来的25年里,麦奎尔每年夏天都会应加州大学洛杉矶分校的邀请回来教授管理经济学. 学校支付了他的旅费并提供住宿,但这项工作是在志愿者的基础上完成的.

Dr. Michael McGuire volunteering
Dr. McGuire (far right) volunteers at St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home.

他每个月在圣安东尼奥流浪者服务中心提供两次早餐,据估计,这些年来,他的250多名学生加入了他的行列. Dr. 麦奎尔也一直是他所在教区圣. 文森特·德·保罗,一个天主教志愿者组织,工作了20多年. 自1996年以来,他一直是UIW大学使命委员会的成员,并在大学服务学习委员会任职, as well.

His years of faithful service were recognized in 2005 when Dr. McGuire was awarded the CCVI Spirit Award by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word.

Dr. 麦圭尔还被选为2000年穆迪教授. 穆迪教授的授予反映了高水平的学术水平, 获得卓越的教学和社区服务. This is the highest faculty honor bestowed by UIW.


Dr. McGuire said he’s looking forward to resting in retirement, then offered a long list of work he plans to do.

“I’m looking forward to doing some research. 我打算读书和学习,我希望能写点东西,”他说. “现在,我正在写一篇题为《下载澳门赌博官网》的文章.’"

For his research, Dr. 麦奎尔说,他将借鉴他在萨尔瓦多中美洲大学几十年的经验. 

“就社会使命而言,这是一所非常先进的大学. 我把它们作为推荐美国大学的基础,” he said.

He said he has some hobbies he’s looking forward to, as well as working on their house, which he enjoys.

When asked which of his accomplishments he’s most proud of, Dr. 麦奎尔说,他在萨尔瓦多度过的岁月,以及他在2010年写的这本书, 《满足基本需求的权力下放:政策制定者的经济指南,” which was published in both English and Spanish.

Dr. 麦奎尔简单地说,他希望学生和同事们记住他是一个每天都尽最大努力的人. 他说,他在UIW的最大的亮点是认识许多优秀的学生并与他们一起工作.

While much at UIW has changed since he arrived in 1987, Dr. McGuire said the same wonderful spirit has remained. He’s confident that will continue after his retirement. That, and his daily walks with Bailey.

H-E-B工商管理学院在此感谢. 感谢Michael McGuire多年来对学校和学生的服务, as well as to the community and the Kingdom of God. He joins his colleague Dr. Daniel Dominguez in retiring after the Spring 2018 semester. Click here to read about Dr. Dominguez's 15 years at UIW.