

有关英语系提供的所有课程的完整列表,请访问 课程目录.

This course is a laboratory-aided reading and writing-intensive course that focuses on a variety of strategies to generate ideas and create well-organized texts that is part of the required Core Curriculum. 本课程旨在培养学生的学术阅读能力, 写作和口头沟通, 目的是提高批判性阅读能力, 说明文写作技巧和批判性思维 能力. 

This course is a laboratory-aided reading and writing-intensive course that teaches how to write a research paper on the college level over the course of one semester. This course will provide practice for the development of a critical eye for argument as well as continued practice in developing logical, 令人信服的 和有说服力的论点.

uw核心课程的一部分, this course includes 关闭 reading and discussion of texts of all kinds from a wide range of periods and societies to reveal the diversity of literature as a means of cultural statement.  

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, this introductory survey of British Literature situates the study of literary production within a cultural and historical context. The course will examine the motifs of major 作者 and works as well as explore the impact of non-canonical 作者 and works. No time periods mentioned or that this is one of three surveys students need to take; mention this is a non-continuation course

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, this introductory survey of British Literature situates the study of literary production within a cultural and historical context. The course examines the motifs of major 作者 and works as well as explores the impact of non-canonical 作者 and works. 时间框架和非延续课程
前提条件:ENGL 1312和ENGL 2310 使用美国文学描述为模型

This course provides an analytical survey of major and lesser-known writers from the pre-colonial period to the Civil War. 它旨在向学生介绍各种不同的作家, 包括未被充分代表的人口(印第安人), 非裔美国人, women and others) as well as philosophical and political texts that have an enduring influence on American culture and government. 

This course introduces students to a variety of literature written in the United States from 1865 until the present time in an effort to examine what it has meant to be American over these past 150 years. 学生们将研究不同的声音是如何塑造和重塑美国身份的, 以及当代文学如何继续影响我们对今天美国的理解.

本科英语专业的顶点课程, this course is designed to be taken in the student's senior year and involves the 流程 and research necessary to prepare a manuscript for successful submission to a scholarly journal and the skills required to articulate these 流程 and findings; this course includes a colloquium. 注册时需要顾问签名.
Prerequisite: (ENGL 1311 OR ENGL 1311L) AND (ENGL 1312 OR ENGL 1312H) AND ( ENGL 2310 OR ENGL 2311) and a specific amount of completed hours in 英语 beyond the core.


uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, this course is a study of critical theory and practice of representative examples from the major literary genres, 强调其中的一个.g. 小说、戏剧、短篇小说、史诗、图画小说等.). 当主题变化时,本课程可以重修以获得学分. 可以作为CLST选修课吗.

Part of the university’s Women's and 性别研究 Concentration and the 文学研究与批评重点 in 英语, this course serves as an introduction to the literature and theory which serves as the basis for contemporary scholarship in Women's Studies, 性别研究, 女性主义理论与性别理论. 可以和2310同时服用吗. 可以作为CLST选修课吗.
前提条件:ENGL 1312

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, 这项文学理论的研究使学生参与 许多 文本批判方法中的任何一种. 本课程将探讨四个或更多 特定的解释性 观点, 比如文化唯物主义, 解构主义, 女权主义, 马克思主义, 新历史主义, postcolonialism, 结构主义, post结构主义, 精神分析批评和文体学. 最后一句话不在目录条目中,但它提供了有用的附加信息. 这门课程可以和英语2310一起修.

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, 本课程探讨文学文本的相互作用, 文学理论与批评, 作者, 历史文化, 以及特定历史时间 框架内的事件. 而不是广泛的扫荡, 或者广角镜头, 本课程将通过特写镜头来探讨这个主题. 当主题变化时,本课程可以重修以获得学分.  

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, 这门课程包括对一位重要作家的详细考察. 当主题变化时,本课程可以重修以获得学分. 当莎士比亚是作者,可能是 交叉上市 与THAR 4385莎士比亚. 

uw英语 项目文学研究与批评分支的一部分, 这门课程包括对一个主要文学运动的详细考察. 当主题变化时,本课程可以重修以获得学分.
前提条件:ENGL 1311或1311L和1312和2310


在英语2375, students are given the opportunity to explore a variety of poetry and prose genres and the intersections among them. 这篇介绍性的, multi-genre workshop in the art of writing introduces students to the technical and imaginative concerns of creative writing, 包括写作技巧的术语和纪律, 以及阅读传统/规范和当代 文学所需的技能, 以及原创作品的制作和表演. 这门课不能重修以获得学分. 

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, 这个写作艺术讲习班包括对当代文学的抽样研究, 分析各种体裁和原创作品的制作和表演. 当体裁变化时,本课程可以重复进行以获得学分.

4375, students are expected to build upon experience and knowledge gained from past coursework in the chosen genre. This workshop in the art of writing will teach students to consider the methods used by notable 作者 within the genre and to become adept at implementing specific forms and techniques in their own original creative writing. It will also require students to develop an advanced knowledge of the genre's form that directly contributes to the advancement and refinement of their own work and, 通过批评的方式, 和班上其他同学相比.


uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, this course surveys professional and technical writing with an emphasis on writing to various audiences; types of communication include job applications, 报告, 指令, 为商业和工业提供建议和其他沟通. 
先决条件:(ENGL 1311或ENGL 1311L)和(ENGL 1312或ENGL 1312H)


uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, 这门课程是商务沟通的概论, 通过 和 强调在各种商业环境中以受众为中心的写作. 商务通信类型 包括工作申请, 业务消息, 报告, 为商业和工业提供建议和其他沟通. 本课程强调熟悉使用电子媒体进行交流. (弹簧) 
前提条件:ENGL 1312.

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, this course is a historical introduction to rhetorical theory with an emphasis on application of rhetoric to socio-cultural issues, 说服 和作文学习. 可以作为CLST选修课吗. (秋天) 

本课程是uw英语 修辞学课程的一部分. 高级课程, 视觉修辞学关注的是视觉形象与文化之间的关系, 考察视觉图像的意义(解释)和作用(表现). 这门课是修辞学, 探索 视觉如何作为符号和符号交流,以及视觉如何影响人类的情感和行为. 本课程向学生介绍一些理论(包括修辞和文学)。, 解释图像如何在文化背景下进行沟通和说服.
前提条件:ENGL 1312

uw英语 项目修辞学课程的一部分, this study of rhetorical criticism engages the student in a number of critical approaches to rhetorical texts, 书面和口头, 来自不同的流派和场所. 
前提条件:engl2310. 推荐使用ENGL 3355

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, this study of the ethical implications of technical communication offers students the opportunity to examine some of the ethical and legal dilemmas faced by technical writers and to apply theories of ethics to workplace writing situations. 可以不重复为学分吗. 

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, 本研究以学术文学期刊为研究对象,让学生参与编辑工作, 大学文学期刊的制作和发行, 怪癖. 

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, 本研究的职责, 技术编辑的实践和专业能力为学生提供了专业知识, 工作场所的观点和技术编辑的实践. 另外, 学生将承担编辑工作, 制作 并发行英语系的《澳门博彩官网下载》.

技术集成, instruction and proven technical communication strategies for developing effective audience-appropriate websites (infra结构, 结构, content, design and navigation); focus on rhetorical shifts of the Internet medium, 同时也是道德的, 社会文化和法律问题, 包括无障碍网页. 

uw英语 修辞学和专业写作课程的一部分, this course explores the theoretical and practical aspects of real-world scientific and engineering communication. The course will explore a variety of writing genres used in scientific and engineering industry and research, 包括, 报告, 建议, 流程, 期刊文章、演讲海报和论文.
前提条件:ENGL 1312. 与BIOL 4399交叉上市.

uw英语 项目修辞学课程的一部分, this course engages students in the exploration of contemporary rhetorical theory as a way to examine the social, 政治和文化背景以及话语和行动的影响. 
先决条件:(ENGL 1311或ENGL 1311L)和(ENGL 1312或ENGL 1312H) AND ENGL 2310 OR ENGL 3310H AND ENGL 3355