
Bachelor of Arts in 国际事务中

For a full list of all courses offered by the Department of Political Science, visit the 课程目录. 对于课程和经验的完整列表,将满足文学学士在国际事务的要求, 查阅 国际事务学位计划.


本课程旨在向学生介绍政治学的专业标准和期望. The course focuses on the process of developing political arguments, 资源的发现和评估, as well as oral and written presentation of political science material.


This class introduces students to the logic, 组织, standards and methods common to empirical studies in the social sciences, with special emphasis on the subfield of political science. In other words, what do social scientists do, and how do they do it? 学生将阅读, 评估和应用出现在各种当代和历史社会科学奖学金的主题, with a focus on the significance and value of peer reviewed studies. The course culminates with the submission and presentation of a working research design, 逐步完成, including preliminary findings obtained through application of a specific research method.

本课程为学生提供了一个综合本课程跨学科性质的机会. 学生, 和项目顾问一起工作, 将努力整合你在国际研究课程中定义和发展的方法和理论,并将它们应用到整个课程的研究中.

This course serves as the capstone course for a major in 国际事务中. 学生 will examine and analyze the ways different cultures, 历史, political institutions and economic systems interact. 本课程还涉及国际研究及其相关学术研究中的多个学科和问题. 学生将参与广泛的研究和讨论,这将使他们能够综合国际机构的各个方面, 政策, 关系, 以及相关的主题.


本课程研究个人, 群体和社会权利, 一个公正社会的基础, 以及平等的意义. 本课程还探讨了正义的理论和哲学基础,以及社会正义的程度,以及如何促进更大的正义. 可以作为CLST选修课吗. May be taken as a Service Learning course.

本课程的重点是国际和美国环境运动的历史和政治. 学生还将了解国内和国际层面的环境 政策制定.

先决条件: 政客 1315

This course introduces students to the study of international 组织s, primarily the United Nations and its specialized agencies. It will examine such topics as the predecessors and origins of the UN, 它的基本原理和结构, 战争与和平的问题, major contemporary issues of world politics, international law and non-governmental actors. 学生在结束本课程时,应该对国际组织在当代世界体系中的地位有一个更好的理解.

在本课程中,学生将学习美洲国家组织的结构和功能,并在模拟环境中学习和应用议会程序. 学生 are cast as high-level negotiators on issues of international importance.


学生研究欧洲的政治,并发展有关欧洲政治制度的核心知识体系. 学生 also are introduced to the political systems of selected nation-states in Europe.

This course is an advanced examination of the study of politics in Asia. 学生 develop a core body of knowledge concerning the political systems in Asia. 学生更深入地考察POLS 2310中介绍的国家,并介绍了亚洲其他选定民族国家的政治制度.

先决条件: 政客 2310

本课程旨在作为中东政治研究的高级考试. 学生将掌握有关中东政治制度的核心知识. 学生将更深入地研究那些在政府/POLS 2310(比较政治学)中引入的国家,以及被引入到中东其他选定的民族国家的政治制度.

This course is designed to study the causes of war and terrorism. 学生们还将研究我们需要知道什么才能在可能的情况下防止战争,并在必要时为战争做准备. 学生 will finally examine the extent to which wars are the purposeful, 政策的理性追求, the result of miscalculation and misperception, or the result of forces over which there is little control.

学生 examine the formation, implementation and implications of American foreign policy. 学生们还研究了国际社会和美国面临的主要问题和挑战.S. reaction to, and influence on, these problems. Primary emphasis is placed on the post-WWII era.

先决条件:政府/POLS 1315

This course seeks to help students learn about the sources, 分布 和人们的政治行为的后果,特别是他们的选举行为. 本课程研究……的本质, 主要的影响是, 公众的态度, the development and measurement of public opinion, the role of public opinion in government and campaigns, and the impact of media on political campaigns. 

先决条件:政府/POLS 1315


先决条件:政府/POLS 2320

学生将了解世界发展中地区的社会和政治变革以及冲突的研究. 本课程指出,世界各地的发展中国家在处理社会问题方面存在很大的差异, 经济和政治变革. Emphasis is placed on such issues as who governs, the role of the military in politics under different types of regimes, 以及军事干预的原因, revolution and transitions to democracy.

先决条件:政府/POLS 1315

本课程介绍现代民主的基本类型,并探讨民主的主要宪政制度. This course will also introduce students to theories of democracy, democratic transitions and democratic consolidation, and electoral representation and political accountability.

先决条件:政府/POLS 1315 (or permission from instructor)

This course surveys central topics in the study of gender and politics, 包括LGBTQ+社区和妇女参与政党和社会运动等问题, women and the LGBTQ+ community as voters and candidates in political elections, 女权主义与国家, and gender and politics around the world. 本课程还将介绍女权主义理论对我们理解政治和公共政策的贡献.

先决条件:政府/POLS 1315 (or permission from instructor)

本课程是对世界发展中地区的社会和政治变革和冲突研究的一般介绍. 它力求指出世界各地发展中国家在处理社会问题方面的广泛差异, 经济和政治变革. Emphasis will be placed on such issues as who governs, the role of the military in politics under different types of regimes, 以及军事干预的原因, revolution and transitions to democracy. 可以作为CLST选修课吗.

先决条件:政府/POLS 2310

本课程旨在作为拉丁美洲和加勒比地区政治研究的入门课程. 学生将发展有关拉丁美洲和加勒比地区政治制度的核心知识体系. 学生也将被介绍到选定的民族国家在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的政治制度.

本课程向学生介绍世界各地宗教和政治制度的相互关系, with particular focus on the United States.

This course explores the interrelatedness of issues such as food, 能源, 人口, 军备竞赛, East/West and North/South confrontations. It examines alternative world order models. 可以作为CLST选修课吗

这门课程是政治学的高级课程,侧重于比较政治学或国际关系. The course may be repeated for credit when topics vary. 可以作为CLST选修课吗.

先决条件:政府/POLS 2310 OR GOVT/POLS 2320