

有关牧灵学院提供的所有课程的完整列表,请访问 课程目录.

This is an introductory course to philosophy in the Catholic tradition which provides a general philosophical perspective on the following diverse philosophical topics: the nature of reality, 认识论, 上帝的存在和本质, 美的概念, 个人和社会伦理, 自由与个人同一性. The course also gives special attention to the relationship between reason and faith and to the relevance of philosophy in theological studies. This course is a prerequisite to further studies in the philosophy concentration of the PMIN degree program

This course focuses on classical logic and considers the basic concepts in logic in light of metaphysical principles. It examines the three basic acts of the human mind and their respective mental products, 即简单理解 - 概念, 判断 —— 判断, 和推理  参数. The course is designed to develop critical thinking and an ability to present the truth of the faith. 
先决条件: PMIN 1310

This course introduces the discipline of theology, including its methods, sources and practice. 它也提出了神学与福传的关系, cathechesis, 教义和教会的训导. Special emphasis will be given to the Catholic understanding of divine revelation and to the interpretation of Scripture.

向学生介绍基督教生活中的神学和礼仪实践. 学生 become familiar with the historical and theological foundations of Catholic liturgy and the theological meaning of liturgical actions, 手势, 弥撒中的仪式和象征. 学生探索关键的礼仪文件,包括 Sacrosanctum Concilium, 罗马弥撒的一般指示, 天主教会的教义问答, 以及其他重要的作品. 

本课程通过对信经的深入研究,向学生介绍神学. It examines tenets of Catholic doctrinal statements in light of Scripture and the living Tradition of the Church. 本课程概述了信经中固有的神学概念, 例如:神圣的启示, 三位一体, 人性与命运, 原罪, 的化身, 耶稣基督的救赎, 神圣 圣灵 和教会.  
先决条件: PMIN 1310

这门课程提供历史概览, 旧约的文学和神学, 和 希伯来圣经, 和 强调解释和方法方法(一.e.(历史、 文学、 和社会批评). 学生 are introduced to literary analysis of various OT texts after acquiring a knowledge of their historical contexts. 学生 also learn practical tools for interpretation such as scholarly resources for exegesis. 
先决条件: PMIN 1320

从泰勒斯开始,到普罗提诺结束, students examine the major philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome with special emphasis on their metaphysics, 人的观点和人的知识, 道德, 以及上帝的本质和存在. This course examines the influence of these thinkers on later philosophers and on Christian theology. 
先决条件: PMIN 1310

学生 examine major Western philosophical thinkers from the fifth through the fourteenth centuries. 学生探索新柏拉图形而上学的圣. 奥古斯丁和圣. 托马斯·阿奎那 以及影响他的犹太和阿拉伯思想家. Major themes include their views of being, the human person, human knowledge, morality and God. 
先决条件: PMIN 1310

本课程将概览新约, 包括对观福音, 使徒行传, 约翰文学, 保罗文学, 希伯来书和“天主教书信”." 学生 will be familiarized with the application of key exegetical and hermeneutical methods and theories and undertake critical assessments of them. 强调新约的神学-历史意义.  
先决条件: PMIN 2320

学生们考察对自然的哲学反思, 涵盖物质和事故等基本原则, 形式与物质, 以及 因果关系和运动. 这些主题为课程的第二部分提供了坚实的基础, 哪个研究的是作为存在的存在. 这门课程也提供了形而上学的一般介绍, 专注于存在的先验方面的. 
先决条件: PMIN 1310

This course introduces students to the major historical events in the evolution of the Catholic Church, 从君士坦丁到特伦特会议. 它将这些事件置于对西方历史的广泛回顾中. The course topics illustrate how this history relates to the present state of the Church and its relationship to 社会. 它适合所有哲学专业的学生, 教理问答和天主教领导集中. 该课程不得重修以获得学分. 
Prerequisite: The student should have taken a course in world history before taking this course. 
先决条件: PMIN 1310

学生 examine the central European philosophers from the 16th through the early 19th centuries with emphasis on their theories of knowledge and the justification of belief. 学生探索大陆理性主义者和英国经验主义者, with attention to some influential metaphysical and ethical positions of particular relevance to Christian theology. 
前提条件: PMIN 1310和PMIN 2323

学生探索20世纪哲学的主要流派, 比如存在主义, 马克思主义, 逻辑的实证主义, 过程哲学, 现象学 和结构主义. 学生将研究和批评持久和有影响力的主题. 
先决条件: PMIN 3325

This course will guide students in using social theory to explore and understand cultural and religious patterns that define contemporary U.S. 社会. 借鉴历史和现代大众传媒, 学生将识别和分析社会价值观, 的态度, 心态, 规范 和行为定义了美国.S. 文化. 这门课程将研究美洲原住民的文化特征, 欧美, 盎格鲁-撒克逊人, 非裔美国人, 亚洲人, 拉美裔人, and other groups that shape the unique identify of the United States as a pluralistic 社会.

This course delves into what it means to be human according to several philosophical theories. 讨论的话题包括个人身份, 意识, 情绪, 死亡, 永生, 自由, 决定论 和控制论. 
前提条件: PMIN 1310和PMIN 2342

学生探索三位一体神学和基督论. The course pre-supposes a broad catechetical understanding of the Catholic faith and the course presents the major themes of Trinitarian theology and Christology in the Catholic theological tradition while drawing upon the student's other knowledge, 尤其是哲学. 主要的主题是从圣经的基础, 教父时代,包括三位一体论和基督论的争论, 和学术公式. 本课程鼓励知识和批判性 思维技能的整合. 
前提条件: PMIN 1320和PMIN 3380

This course examines knowledge from the realist perspective which shows that the notion of being, 没有它,什么也不知道, 是一切知识的原则吗. This course examines knowledge in the light of metaphysical and anthropological principles, 鉴于知识总是“关于某人”和“关于某物”."  
前提条件: PMIN 1310和PMIN 2342

本课程介绍 天主教道德传统的神学基础. 学生将运用道德神学的原则来解决个人和社会问题. 将特别注意教会的社会训导. Specific social issues will vary, but will generally focus on contemporary issues in U.S. 天主教,e.g. 堕胎,干细胞研究, 婚姻 和移民. 
先决条件: PMIN 1320

Natural Theology (or Theodicy) is that part of philosophy in which students explore God and the attributes of God in the light of reason. 学生 examine the existence of God by way of cosmological and ontological arguments. It considers some classical demonstrations of the existence of God with a special emphasis on the five ways of St. 托马斯·阿奎那. 学生们最后考察上帝的本质和神圣的运作. 
前提条件: PMIN 1310和PMIN 2342和PMIN 3384和PMIN 4386

This course provides an exposure to the rich, multicultural spiritual traditions of Catholicism. The primary goal is to introduce students to various examples of spirituality and modes of prayer throughout the Church’s history. 这些包括宗教秩序的精神,如本笃会, 方济各会 和加尔默罗会. 本课程也将回顾圣. 罗耀拉的依纳爵,圣. 约翰的十字架和圣. 圣阿维拉的特蕾莎. 弗朗西斯·德 Sales 和其他当代作家.

This course introduces the student to the nature of the moral act and of moral knowledge. It studies current major ethical theories and assesses their strengths and weaknesses. 特别注意的是圣. 托马斯·阿奎那及其对当代问题决策的意义. 研究的主题包括良心、权利、美德、自然 法 和正义.  
先决条件: PMIN 1310, 3384和4375 

本课程介绍天主教对教会的理解. 它呈现了教会学的主要主题, 包括从圣经中发展教会教义, 的教父的, 经院澳门博彩官网下载 与当代教学, 特别是梵蒂冈第二届大公会议的“全人类之光”. The major themes will include faith and 文化, ecumenics and inter-religious dialogue. This course draws from the student's other knowledge, 尤其是哲学 and history. It serves as an opportunity for the students to integrate their knowledge and to demonstrate critical thinking skills at a mature level. 本课程适合天主教哲学专业高年级学生, 教理问答和领导力集中. 
前提条件: PMIN 3381和PMIN 3385