论文, Doctoral Projects and Dissertations

Deadlines and Reminders

需要完成一个最终项目的学生, 包括论文, dissertation or project, must meet these deadlines for submitting such work for format review:

  • Spring Degree Conferral - March 1
  • Summer Degree Conferral - July 1
  • Fall Degree Conferral - 10月. 1

如果截止日是周末,则在下一个工作日截止日. 根据提交的数量,格式审查可能需要长达三周的时间. 在截止日期后提交的学生作业可能无法及时审查,以满足uw注册处规定的学位授予截止日期.


格式审查验证文件是否符合uw的风格要求和学生学术学科的编辑风格标准. Prior to submitting for format review, 确保所有的写作问题都在研究生写作中心的专业写作人员的咨询下解决.

  • Writing support for graduate students经验丰富的写作发展专家可以在写作过程的各个方面提供帮助. In-person and online assistance is available to UIW master's, doctoral and professional students, and to UIW faculty members. To schedule an appointment with a writing specialist, visit WCOnline 或者发邮件给 Graduate Writing Center.

  • 查看下面的准备和提交文件说明,并访问 Copyright, Publication and Licensing 页面 for more information on preparing and submitting your document.

如果您希望聘请专业编辑帮助最后的手稿准备, discuss this with your dissertation or thesis chair. 你的导师可以帮助你明确哪些领域的写作将受益于专家的帮助. 提醒:您全权负责与编辑签订的合同和所有合同细节. 研究和研究生办公室提供的关于编辑的任何信息既不是对编辑的认可,也不是对学生服务水平的保证.

Best Practice for Talking to an Editor: Before you contact an editor, decide on the scope of work needed and make a flexible timeline. To help the editor perform efficiently and quickly, 最好尽可能精确地描述你的领域或需求领域. 您必须向编辑器提供您的学科和相关UIW格式指南的最新文档格式指南.

对文档格式和发布过程的任何方面有问题或担忧吗? Select this link to get help: Office of Research and 研究生学习.

在项目提交给the Athenaeum之前,格式审查不能开始.To send your document for format review, create an account at 在阅览室.  After account creation, following the screen prompts to complete your publication order, finishing by uploading your document. This will initiate the process of format review. 论文作者还必须为使用UIW的ProQuest存储库创建一个订单 ProQuest ETD Administrator 工具.

Guide to the UIW IRB Process 页面 并查看“批准后”部分关于关闭研究方案的说明. Research protocols must be 关闭d before any degree can be granted.

在博士学位课程中完成研究论文的学生应完成此处提供的博士学位调查: National Science Foundation’s Survey of Earned Doctorates. 完成调查后,通过电子邮件将完成证书的副本发送到 Office of Research and 研究生学习.


Preparing and Submitting Documents

论文, 博士项目和论文必须提交到uw的学术著作库, 在阅览室. 这些文件必须按照uw和学科风格要求仔细和完整地格式化. 选择下面的适当类别,以获得有关文档格式和提交过程的更详细说明.

All students who write a thesis, 博士项目或论文作为部分履行其学位要求必须提交电子副本进入 在阅览室. 在阅览室 is the University repository of scholarly work, supported and maintained by the Mabee Library. Dissertation writers, in addition, must use UIW's ProQuest ETD Administrator 工具,将他们的论文副本存入ProQuest学位论文和论文全球数据库.

管理论文,博士项目和论文的政策在 Culminating Projects Policies and Procedures section of the Graduate Catalog. These policies include:

  • Enrollment requirements
  • The formation and composition of committees
  • Student and faculty member responsibilities
  • Deadlines for format review submission
  • The document submission and review process
  • The clearance process
  • 学生作为版权材料所有者的权利和责任
  • 大学分发,复制和存档这些材料的权利

Students format their thesis, 根据其学科领域推荐的风格指南进行博士项目或论文. 遵守适当的风格指南可以确保学生的作业准备正确,并准备好存入UIW的机构知识库, 在阅览室, and in the case of dissertations also deposited 在校本 ProQuest ETD Administrator.

注册的UIW学生可以查看和下载文档样式指南, 模板页, and other helpful items in the Office of Research and 研究生学习 Canvas 页面.

Summary of Document Submission Requirements

Students must prepare electronic documents for review and publication; do not make print copies. When ready for review, submit documents to 在阅览室.

化身世界的大学要求所有学生的学术工作是完全和正确的格式之前存入雅典娜神庙和, 对论文, 在校本 ProQuest ETD Administrator. 学生文件必须按照学科出版标准和所有其他uw格式要求进行格式化.

Format review is precisely that and not a content or grammar review. 学生和委员会对文件内容全权负责, 引用完整性, 写力学, and adherence to IRB protocol.

When your document is ready, visit 在阅览室 创建一个帐户,并开始提交文件的过程.

登录 Office of Research and 研究生学习 Canvas 页面 详细说明提交文件到雅典娜神庙.

Deadlines for submitting finished theses, 博士项目和论文提交研究与研究生办公室进行格式审查;

  • March 1 for degree conferral in May
  • July 1 for degree conferral in August
  • 10月. 1 for degree conferral in December

如果提交的截止日期是周末,那么提交的截止日期是下星期一. Allow at least three weeks for format review to be completed. 在截止日期后提交的学生作业可能无法及时审查,以满足UIW注册处设定的毕业截止日期. 查看 校历 for deadlines and other important information.

提醒:所有的研究协议必须在学生毕业前结束. 有关IRB关闭程序的信息,请访问研究和资助项目办公室 Human Subjects Research Institutional Review Board 页面.