Course Descriptions

Master of Arts in Communication Arts

本课程运用社会科学和文化研究的方法介绍大众传播的主要理论, which explore media content and its effects as well as audience reaction to media. This course should be taken in the first semester offered.

本课程的重点是媒体责任、媒体问题和媒体角色的变化. The relationship between the media and various societal groups, i.e., family, government, community, women, and minorities will be examined.

本课程将揭示思考艺术和视觉媒体描述的各种方式, 分析, interpretation and judgment. 学生将探索以下任何审美轨迹:古代和本土艺术, film and VR innovations, 以及艺术和电影理论的历史和进口(从抽象和表现主义到浪漫主义和象征主义). The class will also consider the multiplicity of viewing and listening positions. This class may not be repeated for credit.

本课程为学生在传播艺术系开始研究生学习打下基础. 本课程旨在帮助学生规划从入学到完成学位的课程. 学生 will: learn about the history of and current trends related to the communication discipline; examine academic and professional approaches that shape our discipline; and develop and deliver a project proposal suitable for graduate study, 和理想, fitting their academic and/or professional interests.

本课程是写作密集型课程,侧重于信息性和说服性写作模式. It emphasizes essay composition and revision, the philosophy of scholarship, and qualitative and quantitative research methods. This course should be taken in the first semester offered.

本课程着重于传播学研究的技术和原理,包括定性和定量两个方面. It surveys different sorts of research methods in communication studies, including content 分析, 调查研究, longitudinal research, and experimental research.

先决条件: COMM 6301, COMM 6302 and COMM 6303

Various topics examining film construction and theory. 课程将涵盖许多有关电影理论和电影方法论的科目, which may include any of the following: Classical film theory, critical film theory, 导演个人风格, 符号学, film spectatorship theories, identity and film, cultural studies and film, and emerging film theories in the digital age. 学生将对选定的主题进行课堂演讲,目的是培养学生表达理论论点的能力. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

本课程将透过多种主题和观点检视大众传媒的现况. 该课程涵盖了媒体行业的不同方面,如制作、文本和受众. 它有助于学生批判性地探索大众媒体如何塑造和影响当代文化和社会. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.


本次研讨会探讨了一些最重要的含义,以理解跨文化叙事和双语交际的趋势. Emphasis is placed in discussing language and culture in terms of values, thought patterns, and styles of communication. 这种方法是跨学科的,特别注意在双文化和双语环境中文化意识的重要性. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

This course will cover convergent media theory, practice and studies. Through the 阅读, in class group workshops, 个人项目和研究论文将培养学生在融合媒体领域取得专业和学术成功所需的技能. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

传播学的研究生课程强调人类传播的研究是人们为了追求关系而创造和分享信息和意义的过程, 组织, or mediated social goals, purposes and outcomes. Communication Studies is at the core of the Liberal Arts, 促进我们对社会互动在各种情况下的重要和形成作用的理解. Our course will highlight the unique ability of humans to create, 维持, 改变, and influence their social worlds through human symbolic activity as primary to all we do and to whom we are; indeed, our social world is constituted in and through human communication. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

本课程提供了历史和批判理论框架来研究当代文化背景下媒体环境的不同方面. 本课程着重从批判媒体文化的角度探讨媒体与文化的各种主题.

This course will cover multimedia theory, practice and studies. Through hands-on exercises, 阅读, individual and group projects and/or research papers, 学生将培养在多媒体领域取得专业和学术成功所需的技能. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

本课程教你如何沟通,以实现一个目标. 这个研讨会的主题可能包括通过公共关系进行沟通的检验, 广告, 说服, public relations, technology and culture, media and society, international communications and creative media strategy. This class is an elective. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

本课程提供与指定公司或专业人士在通信领域的经验和培训. 实习要求每周至少有固定时间的工作经验,并在学期结束时提交一份评估实习经验的综合报告.

先决条件: Eighteen hours of graduate credit and permission of graduate advisor

高级研究生有机会与特定教师进行专门的辅导学习. This course may be repeated for credit as course topics vary.

先决条件: Permission of graduate coordinator and specified faculty. 

After completion of core coursework and elective classes, 学生必须完成一门顶点课程或完成一篇书面论文,以证明对传播艺术知识和技能的累积掌握. 学生可以选择完成包括这门课程的硕士论文, COMM 61CS1(通信顶点)和潜在的后续课程名为通讯63 cs1. Both COMM 61CS1 and 63CS1 emphasize the doing and completion of your actual thesis.

After completion of core coursework and elective classes, 学生必须完成一门顶点课程或完成一篇书面论文,以证明对传播艺术知识和技能的累积掌握. 就读于通讯63 cs1的学生已经选修了61CS1,并选择将他们的论文研究工作扩展到下一个学期。. COMM 61CS1 (Communication Capstone) and this course, 通讯63 cs1, emphasize the doing and completion of your actual thesis.

After completion of core coursework and elective classes, 学生必须完成一门顶点课程或完成一篇书面论文,以证明对传播艺术知识和技能的累积掌握. 参加通讯61 tr的学生已经参加了63TR,并选择将他们的论文研究工作扩展到下一个学期。. COMM 63TR (Thesis Research) and this course, 通讯61 tr, emphasize the doing and completion of your actual thesis.

After completion of core coursework and elective classes, 学生必须完成一门顶点课程或完成一篇书面论文,以证明对传播艺术知识和技能的累积掌握. 学生可以选择完成包括这门课程的硕士论文, COMM 63TR (Thesis Research) and potentially subsequent courses titled 通讯61 tr. Both COMM 63TR and 61TR emphasize the doing and completion of your actual thesis.