

The 道成肉身的大学 (UIW) is committed to providing a supportive, 具有挑战性的, diverse, 为所有学生提供综合环境. UIW致力于多样性, equity, and inclusion of students who are representative of the diverse populations served by the University.



  • 技术标准 建立知识, skills, and aptitudes a student applicant possesses at admissions, 表明他们为进入项目做准备
  • 基本功能 是知识, skills, and aptitudes that all students must be able to execute, with or without reasonable accommodations in order to graduate from the program.

The University is committed to excellence in accessibility and encourages students with dis能力, 他们在其他方面都是合格的, 揭露或寻求帮助. INTD课程的要求并不是为了阻止申请人,合理的住宿将允许他们完成完整的课程.

有兴趣申请入读室内设计课程的个人应审查以下列出的技术标准,以更好地了解技能类型, 能力, and aptitudes required to successfully complete the program.


The 室内设计 program provides intensive hands-on courses taught by seasoned educators and industry professionals. 小班授课(通常为14人或更少), 学生与知识渊博的教师接触,他们不仅继续与行业接触,而且致力于学生的成功. Students receive personalized support and create a portfolio to prepare them for future careers.

INTD项目 offers hands-on applied learning with many studio-based classes (classes meet for 2.每周两次,每次75小时,总共5小时.5 hours per week) and lecture classes (including the UIW core curriculum). These courses will culminate in one of two degrees: an in-person Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), 室内设计, 并亲自获得文学学士学位, 内部销售和管理. INTD项目, and the university are soon to be accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art & Design. The BFA, 室内设计 degree is accredited by the Council for 室内设计 认证 (CIDA).

The INTD BFA program offers hands-on applied learning with 35.8%以工作室为基础(每班2次).每周两次,每次75小时,总共5小时.每周5小时)和67小时.5%讲座(含UIW核心课程).1 工作室课程在校园计算机实验室中进行,这些实验室专门配备了INTD行业专用的计算机和软件. 对于本科项目, 工作室课程专门面对面交付,以促进学生在课程中所需的基本功能的学习.

INTD课程严格且具有挑战性. 以工作室为基础的面对面课程需要在计划的课堂时间之外花费大量的时间. The requirement for classes to be offered face-to-face allows for personal, real, physical interaction between students and faculty for development and building new knowledge and skills. It takes a considerable amount of time in class and in the student computer labs to develop these skills. INTD students and graduates have a strong sense of connection to other students in their cohort, 给项目的教员, 和威斯康星大学校园.

1 On rare occasion, slight modification may result due to unexpected or unforeseen emergent situations.


技术标准就是知识, skills, and aptitudes a student applicant possesses at admissions, 表明他们为进入项目做准备.


学生必须有能力管理个人情绪和行为,以应对学术研究和教师在现场观察和评估中产生的压力情况. 识别个人情绪反应和保持专业风度的能力是本课程的基本要素.


Students must possess the psychological ability required for the utilization of their intellectual 能力, 为了运用正确的判断, for the prompt completion of responsibilities inherent to the demands of the INTD program.

Teamwork-critical realm of the interior design industry, the development of effective relationships with faculty, 学生群体中的其他成员也至关重要. 学生必须具备面对面或在线(取决于课程模式)有效沟通和协作的能力。.

学生必须能够忍受身体和精神上的繁重工作,并在室内设计行业固有的压力下有效地发挥作用. Respect, empathy, honesty, 完整性, 问责制, interest, 动机是必要的个人品质. 学生必须在任何时候都表现出道德行为.


学生必须具备足够的阅读认知能力, write, calculate, process, 应用信息, analyze, 合成, and reason through studio problems promptly in classroom simulation. Cognitive ability to meet all INTD course outcomes is required.


Students must be able to communicate effectively in English, both in person and in writing. Basic keyboarding skills and the ability to participate in the documented modality of an offered course (i.e., in person for a face-to-face course, online for an online course) are vital. 感知能力, 理解, 并有效地回应口头, written, 电子, 非语言交流是必需的.


感官的功能运用, 足够的大肌肉运动技能, and fine motor dexterity are required to manipulate the tools (physical drafting, drawing, and computer hardware and software) required in this field.

Students must be able to observe and 理解 face-to-face lectures and studio demonstrations, and immediately use drafting equipment and digital input devices including mice, 键盘, etc. 练习.


基本功能 是知识, skills, and aptitudes that all students must be able to execute, with or without reasonable accommodations in order to graduate from the program.

  • 完成后的第一年半, 所有INTD和INMM学生都需要提交一份在INTD和INMM第一年半完成的工作作品集. Portfolios are reviewed in March/April of their second year.
  • 只有通过作品集审查,学生才能继续攻读BFA室内设计学位或BA室内销售和管理学位(所有四个专业),并继续在本专业学习.
  • 在其他机构完成室内设计课程的转学生需要提交有效的成绩单和作品集,由uw室内设计学院审查,以确定课程工作的等效性. The transfer student may also be required to take a skills assessment test. 目前,uw室内设计专业与任何其他大学或室内设计学院之间没有衔接协议.

* An articulation agreement is a binding contract between two educational institutions, 学生可以将已获得的学分转移. 这些协议为打算完成学士学位的潜在转校生制定了正式的转学程序.

INTD courses are offered online or in person, but not both modalities at the same time in any course. The pedagogical design of each course has been tailored for the modality of its delivery. 特别是, 本科工作室课程, 参与面对面的教学是至关重要的基本功能和发展的基本技能,因为以下必要因素:

  1. 群体结构. 学生们以队列的形式完成INTD课程. INTD是一个团队合作驱动的项目,与同组的其他学生建立关系和工作伙伴关系对学业成功至关重要. 参与面对面的本科工作室课程对于建立和维持这种队列结构至关重要,这是INTD项目的基本功能
  2. 硬件和软件接入. INTD计划需要使用许多专业的硬件和软件工具标准的室内设计行业. 作为INTD项目学习的一部分, students have access to these tools in all their studio classes. Further, the INTD department and UIW provide access to these tools outside of class in labs. The licenses secured by UIW for these software tools are restricted to on-campus use. uw实验室的强大计算机是独一无二的,专门为室内设计教学和专业模拟而建造.
  3. 团队学习. 在工作室课程中, students quickly move from tutorials to solving problems unique to individual projects. 这种在实践中学习是为学生提供完成学位所必需的批判性思维和解决问题的能力的基本功能. 即兴小组讨论, 解决小团队问题, 笔记分享与比较, 学生协助其他学生, 团队比赛是这一重要学习过程的一部分,只有当学生们都处于同一模式时才能进行. Either all students need to be in- person for team formation (for face-to-face modalities), or all students need to be virtual (for online modalities), 符合课程设计和教学方法.
  4. 教师互动. 与教师合作对学术进步至关重要, 技术实力, 以及软技能(人际关系)的发展. 本科生面对面工作室课程, 计算机实验室教学, allow, 并要求教师能够在实验室中指定的计算机上以一种快速而有意义的方式操作学生的项目. Faculty calling a small group of students together to discuss a shared problem, 观察某学生项目中的一种技术, 只有当所有学生共享模式时,才有可能进行有意义的小组批评,这对完成INTD学位所需的基本功能的发展至关重要.


威斯康星大学确保学生可以使用其设施, programs, 根据1973年康复法案第504条,为残疾学生提供合理的便利和服务, and, 在适用的地方, 1990年的《澳门博彩官网下载》, the Americans with Dis能力 Act Amendments ACT (ADAAA) of 2008.

A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to an instructional activity, facility, program, 或提供服务,使符合资格的残疾学生有平等的机会参加INTD课程. 有资格享受合理的住宿, a student must have a documented disability as defined by the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

被大学录取的学生,他们已经审查了课程的技术标准,并确定他们需要合理的住宿来充分参与课程, should contact 学生残疾服务 at (210) 829-3997 or visit uw的残疾服务网站. 考虑到INTD项目的技术性质, additional time may be needed to implement accommodations. Accommodations are never retroactive, therefore, timely requests are essential. This process is informed by the knowledge that students with dis能力 can become successful INTD professionals


学生残疾服务将会检讨, on a case-by-case basis accommodation requests for students with temporary dis能力.