Dr. 肯·梅茨' profile photo


教授 音乐系 Office Location: Music 226 电话: (210) 829-3850

Dr. 肯·梅茨 serves as assistant chair of the department of music at 校本. He teaches and supervises the music theory and keyboard skills courses as well as co-directs the music 作文 area. Before joining the faculty at 校本 he was a full-time instructor of music theory and jazz at Texas Tech University. His main research interest is in aspects of music theory, 作文, and the relationship of number theory to music theory. He is active as a composer and his music has been performed across the country. He has published a textbook, Fundamentals for Aspiring Musicians (2010 Routledge), co-authored with Dr. 罗伯特J. 弗兰克 of Southern Methodist University, which is available on Amazon. For many years he served as president of the Composer's Alliance of San Antonio (CASA) and is currently the vice-president of The National Association of Composers USA (NACUSA) Texas chapter. He is a member of the College Music Society (CMS), and the Society of Composers Inc. (SCI).

Dr. Metz's received a BS in Chemistry from Emory University, a MM in Music Theory and Composition from the University of Nevada, 拉斯维加斯, 和Ph值.D. in Fine Arts with an emphasis in Music Composition from Texas Tech University.

In 2021

  • Release of CD: Heritage by pianist Artina McCain containing original 作文s for piano: Hermetitos 1-6 and Chunky (from Playscapes for Piano)
  • Performance of original 作文 for wind ensemble : Calliope
  • Christopher Newport University Contemporary Music Festival
  • Performance of original 作文 for Tuba solo: Many Moons Ago
  • College Music Society Southern Regional Conference
  • Performance of original 作文 for violin-cello and piano; Three Scenes
  • College Music Society South-Central Regional Conference


  • 梅斯K. R.等。. (2019). 美国制造第五册. Kefali新闻.
  • 梅斯K. R.等人(2018). 美国制造,第4册. Kefali新闻.
  • 梅斯K. R.等。. (2017). 美国制造,第三册. Kefali新闻.
  • 梅斯K. R.等。. (2016). 美国制造,第二册. Kefali新闻.
  • 梅斯K. R.等。. (2016). Made in SA Book 1 Kefali新闻.
  • 梅斯K. R. & 弗兰克,博士. 罗伯特(2010). Fundamentals for Aspiring Musicians. New York/London: Routledge Press.
  • 美国作曲家、作家与出版商协会
  • College Music Society
  • Society of Composers
  • The National Association of Composers USA (NACUSA)
  • Composers Alliance of San Antonio
  • Studying and playing the music of J. S. Bach and Josef Haydn
  • 历史, Archeology, Gardening, and more
  • FERA Award (2018) – This funding helped support the creation of the documentary feature film SA24: Two Dozen Songs from Now, which is currently being considered for screening at several film festivals.
  • FERA Award (2017) – This funding helped support the short documentary film Made in SA: New Music, 新音乐家, which was shown as part of two research conferences (SCI, 地区六世, 2019, 2020) and received its festival premiere in January 2021 as part of the Lift-Off Global Network First-Time Filmmaker Sessions.
  • Experiencing Villa-Lobos Music Festival Percussion Ensemble Competition: winner- Music Visto que Villa-Lobos
  • Textbook publication: Fundamentals for Aspiring Musicians (Routledge 2010)with 罗伯特J. 弗兰克

建议 transfer students, 作文 seminar, music curriculum and policy development, other service to the music department.

Music 作文 and music theory pedagogy.

All levels of Music Theory and Aural Skills (coordinator and supervisor), 形式与分析, Counterpoint coordinator of keyboard skills