Kevin B Vichcales

Kevin B Vichcales

Professor Department of History Office Location: Mabee Library 215 Phone: (210) 829-2759

Kevin B. Vichcales, Ph.D. 是圣道大学负责本科和研究生教育的副教务长. He earned his BA in History from Albion College, and MA and PhD in Modern European History from Western Michigan University. 作为本科和研究生教育副教务长,他为本科生和研究生的学习和成功提供远见和领导,包括制定和实施所有学术计划, policies, priorities, and innovations. 他确保这些与大学的战略计划和使命保持一致,以确保所有课程都确定并达到最高标准,为我们的学员在各自领域的领导地位做好准备. 他为许多国家委员会提供服务包括西班牙裔服务机构教育者联盟(AHSIE), Science Foundation of Arizona KickStarter 2.0 Advisory Council, 和西班牙裔学院和大学协会(HACU),并为全国其他机构提供咨询和评估服务. He is an active scholar with multiple publications to his credit, 拥有历史学教授的学术地位,并获得该大学的终身教职.

Ph.D. Western Michigan University
Major Field: Modern European History
Minor Field: 19th and 20th Century Theory and Historiography
Minor Field: Environmental History/Assessment
Core Field: Methodology, Historiography, and Historical Theory

M.A. Western Michigan University
Field: Modern European History

B.A. Albion College
Double Major: History and Political Science
Minor: Economics

  • 2020-Present Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2015-2021年,世界大学人文、艺术和社会科学学院院长
  • 2014-2018年道成肉身大学教务处副教务长
  • 2006-2015年,圣言大学研究与研究生办公室主任
  • 2003-2006年,西密歇根大学研究生院副院长
  • 2002-2006 Director, Awards, Training, and Special Projects, The Graduate College Western Michigan University
  • 2000-2002 Coordinator, Graduate Student Financial Assistance, The Graduate College, Western Michigan University
  • 1995-2000年西密歇根大学研究生院教职员助理


  • Vichcales, Kevin B. (UIW), Lisa Alcorta (San Antonio College), Mike Martinez (St. Mary’s University), Daniel Powell (Northwest Vista College), Rosa Rivera-Hainaj (OLLU), Ashley Spicer-Runnels (TAMSA), Tammy Jordan Wyatt (UTSA)“连接大流行后的途径:学生参与向前发展.圣安东尼奥地区学院和职业联盟虚拟圆桌会议:赋予学生创造未来的权力! February 5, 2021.
  • Vichcales, Kevin B., Marla A. Franco, Jeannie G. Kim, Leticia P. Lopez, and Paloma Vargas. “HSIs: Centering Servingness in Times of COVID-19.2020年5月13日,西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE)网络研讨会.
  • Vichcales, Kevin B., Sarita Brown, Sonia Zarate, Raquel Tamez. “与致力于hsi本科STEM教育的组织建立网络."国家科学基金会西班牙裔服务机构项目小组讨论, Project Directors meeting November 7, 2019, Washington DC.
  • Vichcales, Kevin B. “为天主教大学建立包容文化:培训手册”.“五人小组的负责人,代表天主教学院及大学协会举办培训工作坊, February 1, 2019, Washington D.C.

Publications (monographs)

  • Ettling, Dorothy H. and Kevin B. Vichcales, eds. Reach Out Africa: Studies in Community Empowerment, Sustainable Development, and Cross Cultural Engagement. Archway Press, 2014.
  • Carlson, Lewis A. and Kevin B. Vichcales, eds. Popular Culture at Home and Abroad. Kalamazoo, Michigan: New Issues Press, 1996.


  • American Historical Association (lifetime member)
  • Phi Alpha Theta, History Honorary Society


  • Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
  • Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Athletics
  • Shooting Sports

2018 CCVI Spirit Award. The award recognizes a member of the faculty, administration, 或为大学及/或更广泛的市民社区服务的员工, the spirit of the founders, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. The mission of the University flows directly from this spirit.

2015年9月,研究生支持中心(GSC)获得了白宫拉美裔卓越教育倡议的国家认可,成为高等教育的亮点. UIW is one of 230 programs so recognized across the nation.

2014研究生支持中心是2014年全国教育优秀奖优秀奖获得者. “卓越典范”是唯一一个旨在确定和促进拉丁裔学生在高等教育中取得教育成就的项目和部门的全国性倡议. Through a comprehensive year-long process, promising practices at the associate, baccalaureate, 在华盛顿举行的一年一度的Celebración de Excelencia表彰了高等教育机构和社区组织的研究生水平, D.C. and cataloged in the What Works Database. See more at Excelencia in Education.

University of the Incarnate Word

  • 2006-Present Dean’s Council Academic Leadership Team (Member)
  • 2008-Present UIW Capital Campaign: Employee Campaign “Captain”
  • 2008-Present University Honors Program: Honors Council (Member)
  • 2016-Present Athletics Advisory Council (Chair)
  • 2015-Present University Core Advisory Committee (Member)
  • 2018-Present Enrollment Services Committee (Co-Chair)
  • 2019-Present High Impact Educational Practices Committee (Co-Chair 2018-19; Chair 2019-Present)
  • 2019-Present Strategic Planning Steering Committee Champion Subcommittee

Recent Search Committees

  • 2021 Dean, Office of Research and Graduate Support (Member)
  • 2021 Associate Vice President of Finance/Comptroller (Member)
  • 2020-2021 Senior Director of Advising Services (Member)
  • 2020-2021 Dean of Students (Member)
  • 2020-2021 Executive Administrative Assistant to the Provost (Member)
  • 2019-2020 Title IX Search Committee (Member)

Professional Service

  • 2021-Present Volunteer Committee Member, Financial and Governance Committee, Conference Committee, Institutes Committee, and Elections Committee. Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE).
  • 2020-2021年历史学家/秘书-西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE).
  • 2017-2021 Member - Science Foundation of Arizona KickStarter 2.0 Advisory Council.
  • 2017-2020年西班牙裔大学协会(HACU) -政府关系委员会成员.
  • 2016-2020年西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE)主席. 与组织官员和理事会成员合作,负责组织的领导工作. Reelected in 2018 to a second two-year term.
  • 2015年会议现场联合主席-卫生与公众服务部(DHHS), Office of Minority Health Resources Center (OHMRC), Higher Education Technical Assistance Program (HE-TAP), Region IV & VI conference, August 3-5, 2015. 领导校内组织工作,包括场地安排,会议酒店等.
  • 2014-2015年会议现场主席-西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE). UIW hosted the 7th annual conference of the Alliance, March 8-11, 2015. As Program Chair, UIW负责安排会议在圣安东尼奥的所有活动,包括会议记录.
  • 2012-2016年财务主管-西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE). Re-elected in 2013, 2014, and 2015 for one-year year terms. 领导通过合并和确保501c3地位使组织正规化的努力. Responsible for financial planning and reporting.
  • 2011-2021专业最佳实践会议委员会成员-西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE).
  • 2011-2021年理事会成员-西班牙裔服务机构教育者联盟(AHSIE). Reelected in 2018, for 3rd three-year term.
  • 2011-2012年会议现场主席-西班牙裔服务机构教育工作者联盟(AHSIE). UIW hosted the 5th annual conference of the Alliance, March 12-14, 2012. As Program Chair, uw负责安排会议在圣安东尼奥的所有活动,包括会议记录.
  • 2010-2015研究生教育咨询委员会(GEAC) -德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB). Service as representative of private institutions.
  • 2009-2014 Membership Committee: Conference of Southern Graduate Schools
  • Modern European History
  • Modern U.S. History
  • Military History
  • Environmental History
  • Pollution Control
  • Aquatic Ecosystems
  • GOVT 4301H/ SOCI 4301H: Social and Political Thought (Honors Program)
  • HIST 3340: Modern Europe
  • GOVT 4387 / HIST 4350: Topics in World History: The Cold War
  • HIST 2399: The Human Story to A.D. 1500 (3 Sections) (Honors Program)
  • HIST 3399: The Human Story from 1500 to Present (Honors Program)
  • HIST 4341: Making History (Historiography and Method)
  • HIST 4352: Topics in U.S. History: The Cold War
  • HIST 4350: Topics in World History: European Imperialism
  • HIST 4350: Topics in World History: Modern Britain
  • HIST 4399/GOVT 4385 and 4387: The Cold War
  • INDR 7399: Grant Writing
  • EDUC 6399 / 7399: Grant Writing