
The following 23 competencies serve as the foundation of the Master of Health Administration program curriculum at 道成肉身的大学.



Ability to explain issues and advancements in the healthcare industry.


Ability to effectively participate in discussions relating to health policy at the local, 州一级和联邦一级.


评估真伪的能力, 知识的准确性和价值要求, 信仰, or arguments and reaching sound conclusions based on observation and information.


能够运用复杂的概念, 制定创造性的解决方案, 或者以新的方式调整以前的解决方案.

Process Management and Organizational Design

分析和设计能力, 或改善, 组织过程, including incorporating the principles of patient safety, 质量和持续改进.


考虑业务的能力, 人口, ethno-cultural, 政治, and regulatory implications of decisions and develop strategies that continually improve the long-term success and viability of the organization.


Ability to hold people accountable to standards of performance with the long-term good of the organization in mind.


Ability to plan and execute a project involving significant resources, scope, and impact.


Ability to understand and explain financial and accounting information, 准备和管理预算, and make sound long-term investment decisions.


Ability to implement staff development and other management practices that represent contemporary best practices, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, 优化员工绩效, 包括绩效评估, alternative compensation and benefit methods, and the alignment of human resource practices and processes to meet the strategic goals of the organization.


Ability to see the potential in and understand the use of administrative and clinical technology and decision-support tools in process and performance improvement.

Legal and Regulatory Application and Assessment

Ability to understand and explain the regulatory and administrative environment in which the organization functions (e.g., CMS; JCI; NCQA; antitrust; Stark I and II). Includes the ability to understand and explain corporate compliance laws and regulations (e.g., physician recruitment, billing and coding practices, antitrust, conflict of interest, etc.).


能够理解和使用统计数据, 经济, 流行病学, and financial methods and metrics to set goals and measure clinical as well as organizational performance; commitment to and employment of evidence-based techniques.


Ability to align one’s own and the organization’s priorities and assess and address community wellness needs in an evidence-based and holistic manner, i.e., 一种解决物理问题的方法, 精神, social and spiritual needs of the community, 以提供最好的护理为目标, 以最低的价格.


The demonstration of ethics and sound professional practices, as well as stimulating social accountability and community stewardship. The desire to act in a way that is consistent with one’s 值 and what one says is important.


具备清晰的说和写能力, 逻辑, and grammatical manner in formal and informal situations and to prepare cogent business presentations.


Ability to understand other people as well as to accurately hear and understand the unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, 感情, 以及他人的担忧. It measures increasing complexity and depth of understanding of others and includes cross-cultural sensitivity.


The ability to work cooperatively with others as part of a team or group, including demonstrating positive attitudes about the team, 它的成员, and its ability to get its mission accomplished, and the ability to effectively resolve conflict.


Ability to persuade and convince others (individuals or groups) to support a point of view, 位置, 或建议.


Ability to see oneself as a leader of others, from forming a top team that possesses balanced capabilities to setting the mission, 值, 和规范, as well as holding the team members accountable individually and as a group for results.


A belief in one's own capability to accomplish a task and select an effective approach to a task or problem. This includes confidence in one's ability as expressed in increasingly challenging circumstances and confidence in one's decisions or opinions.


A concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving f或改善ment); an objective measure (results orientation); outperforming others (competitiveness); challenging goals, or something that has not been done previously (innovation).


识别问题的能力, 障碍, or opportunity and taking action in light of this identification to address current or future problems or opportunities. 倡议s should be seen in the context of proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. The time frame of this scale moves from addressing current situations to acting on future opportunities or problems.