特蕾莎修女哈里森, Ph.D.

Management Department




  • The effects of technology on role overload
  • Social networking and diversity
  • Electronic recruiting and selection
  • The relationship between cultural values and job choice preferences

Ph.D. Management and Organization Studies | University of Texas at San Antonio

  • BMGT 6399 Special Topics: Leading a Diverse Workforce (研究生)
  • BMGT 6399 Special Topics: Talent Management (研究生)
  • BMGT 6311 Managing People and Organizations (研究生); Revised curriculum starting Fall 2019
  • BMGT 6311 Human Resource Management (研究生)
  • BMGT 4380 Capstone I: Integrative Business Analysis and Decision Making (本科)
  • BMGT 4355 Organizational Behavior (本科)
  • BMGT 3380 Business Communication (本科)
  • BMGT 3370 Business Statistics (本科)
  • Academy of Management
  • Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
  • Society for Human 资源 Management
  • Southern Management Association
  • San Antonio Human Resource Management Association
  • 哈里森,D.哈里森,T。., & 谢弗,M. (2021; in press). HRM challenges for immigrant employees: Status-laden transitions across cultures and workplace social environments. 在米.R. 巴克利,一个.R. 惠勒J.E. 鲍尔, & J.R.B. Halbesleben (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 39, 205-239. London: Elsevier.
  • 哈里森,D.哈里森,T。.谢弗,M. (2019). Strangers in strained lands: Workplace experiences of immigrant employees. Journal of Management, 45 (2), 600-619.
  • Bazzy J.史密斯,A., and 哈里森,T. (2019). The impact of abstract thinking on entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25 (2), 323-337.
  • (McKeon) Ramirez, K.哈里森,T。.克雷文,A. (2018). The effects of millennial and new generation endorsement paths on organizations' talent management programs. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 5 (4).
  • 哈里森,T.斯通,D. (2018). E-recruiting utilizing an organizational website: A cultural values approach to predict applicant reactions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33 (3), 311-324.
  • 甜,K., and 哈里森,T. L. (2018). Mini-cases: Overcoming common challenges of case learning in undergraduate HR courses. Journal of Human 资源 Education, 12 (1-2), 1-23.
  • 哈里森,T.和贝兹,J. (2017). Aligning Organizational Culture and Strategic Human Resource Management. Journal of Management Development, 36 (10), 1260-1269.
  • 石头,维.卡内多·索托,J.哈里森,T。.卢卡舍夫斯基,K.克鲁格,D., Mark Suazo (2017). The relations between entrepreneurs' ethnicity, 家庭主义价值观, 信仰, and use of financial planning. The Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 28 (2), 50-81.
  • 石头,维. L.卢卡舍夫斯基,K., Stone-Romero, E. F., and Harrison (Johnson), T. (2012). Factors affecting the effectiveness and acceptance of electronic selection. Human Resource Management Review, 23 (1), 50-70.
  • 石头,维. L., Harrison (Johnson), T.卡内多-索托,J.卢卡舍夫斯基,K.蒙托亚,L. (2011). Factors related to Hispanic business owners' knowledge and use of financial planning. Business Journal of Hispanic Research (5), 118-119.