Veronica  Acosta

Veronica Martinez-Acosta, Ph.D.

Professor, Biology 办公地点:博尼拉科学馆103号 Phone: (210) 829-3149

Veronica Martinez Acosta is a Professor of Biology at 道成肉身的大学. Veronica earned a Ph.D. in Zoology from Texas A&M大学博士的实验室. Mark J. Zoran. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas under the direction of Dr. 张兵,现就职于密苏里大学. Dr. 马丁内斯·阿科斯塔研究了环节动物蠕虫的系统级神经可塑性, 变异蚓和黑腹果蝇. Her lab continues to study molecular mechanisms governing neural regeneration and wound healing and the role of stem cell populations in these regenerative processes. She has been supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of the Army in support of the research she carries out primarily with undergraduates. Dr. 马丁内斯·阿科斯塔教授细胞生物学的本科课程, developmental biology, and neurobiology. When not in the classroom, she can be found in the research lab with her undergraduate students. Currently, she is proud to serve as an officer of the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience and as the Co-director of the NSF REU site at the Marine Biological Laboratory: Biological Discovery in Woods Hole Summer Opportunity for Undergraduate Research. 最近,她开始撰写和谈论多样性, 高等教育中的包容与公平问题. On a personal note, Dr. Acosta enjoys spending time with her two sons, Pablo and Diego and her husband, Alfonso. Her hobbies include being a soccer mom, taking her dog for long hikes, cooking, and traveling.

  • Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)动物学博士.D. 2005
  • 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校神经生物学博士后. 2005-06
  • University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX) Biology B.A. 1996
  • University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX) Elem. Ed. B.A. 1996
  • 2018 - Present: Course Faculty, 海洋生物实验室神经科学暑期项目, Excellence, and Success (SPINES)
  • 2018年至今:道成肉身大学生物学教授
  • 2016年至今:惠特曼中心科学家,海洋生物实验室,伍兹霍尔,马萨诸塞州
  • 2012 - 2018:道成肉身大学生物学副教授
  • 2008 - 2012:道成肉身大学生物学助理教授
  • 2007 - 2008年,西南大学兼职助理教授
  • 2006 - 2007年,西南大学生物学客座助理教授
  • 2005 - 2006: Postdoctoral Fellow, Section of Neurobiology, University of Texas, Austin, TX
  • Lybrand ZR, Martinez-Acosta VG和Zoran MJ. (2019) Coupled Sensory Interneurons Mediate Escape Neural Circuit Processing in an Aquatic Annelid Worm, Lumbriculus variegatus. 比较神经病学杂志(已接受8).2019).
  • 马丁内斯·阿科斯塔VG和法韦罗CB. (2018). A Discussion of Diversity and Inclusivity at the University Level: The need for a strategic plan. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Summer 2018, 16(3):A252-A260.
  • 马丁内斯-阿科斯塔·维罗妮卡和佐兰,马克·J(2015年10月). 环节动物再生的进化方面. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0022103.pub2
  • 惠特克JA,蒙哥马利BL和马丁内斯阿科斯塔VG. (2015). Retention of Underrepresented Minority faculty: Strategic Initiatives for Institutional Value Proposition Based on Perspectives from a Range of Academic Institutions. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), Summer 2015, 13(3):A136-A145.
  • Zoran MJ和Martinez VG (2009). "Lumbriculus variegatus and the Need for Speed: A Model System for Studies of Rapid Escape, 再生和无性生殖.见:环节动物在生物科学中的模型系统(编). Daniel Shain). 霍博肯,新泽西州:Wiley-Blackwell出版社. Pp. 185-204.
  • 马丁内斯VG,曼森JMB*,佐兰MJ (2008). Effects of Nerve Injury and Segmental Regeneration on the Cellular Correlates of Neural Morphallaxis. 实验动物学报(英文版). Dev. Evol.) 310B(6): 520-533.
  • (2007) Martinez VG, Javadi CS*, Ngo E*, Ngo L*, Lagow R*, Zhang B。. 果蝇攀爬行为和神经回路生理的年龄相关变化. 中国生物医学工程学报[j] (6):778- 791.
  • 马丁内斯VG,雷迪PK*,卓兰MJ (2006). 无性生殖和节段再生, but Not Morphallaxis, are Inhibited by Boric Acid in Lumbriculus variegatus (Annelida: Clitellata: Lumbriculidae). Hydrobiologia 564(1): 73-86.
  • 马丁内斯VG,门格尔GJ, III,佐兰MJ (2005). 再生和无性生殖 Share Common Molecular Changes: Upregulation of Neural Glycoepitopes During Morphallaxis in Lumbriculus. 发展机制[j] (5): 721-732.
  • UIW荣誉项目委员会主席(2019年至今)
  • Representative, President's Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2018 - Present)
  • Representative, UIW Faculty Senate (2016 - 2018; 2010 - 2013)
  • 《下载澳门赌博官网》审稿人(2017 -至今)
  • 审稿人,NSF - REU项目,生物基础设施部(2016年至今)
  • 财务主管,本科生神经科学学院(2016年至今)
  • 德克萨斯州科学院神经科学科主任(2014 - 2016)
  • UIW Alpha教师导师(2014 -至今)
  • UIW生物俱乐部指导教师(2009 -至今)
  • 生物学4399 ST:感官神经生物学
  • Biol 4399 ST: Cancer Biology
  • Biol 4320 Neurobiology
  • Biol 4390 Developmental Biology
  • Biol 3311 Cell Biology Lecture
  • 细胞与分子遗传学研究
  • 生物1402普通生物学专业课
  • 2009-0 SOMAS: Support of Mentors and their Students in the Neurosciences - summer research subaward to VGA from parent grant held at Davidson College (NSF DUE Award# 0426266)
  • 2011; 2012; 2016; 2019 Faculty Endowment Research Award; Awardee
  • 2012年UIW教务长遗产教学奖
  • 2012年埃莉诺·安·杨博士真理奖- UIW使命继续教师奖
  • 2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology - Broadening Participation Travel Award
  • 2019 UIW Dr. 凯瑟琳·莱特杰出教师奖

Dr. Martinez Acosta goal of research has been to identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms that influence regeneration of function following injury in an invertebrate model system. She is particularly interested in understanding the downstream effects of injury on neural regeneration in the annelid worm, Lumbriculus variegatus. Lumbriculus variegatus是一个理想的模型系统来检查行为吗, physiological, 细胞和分子发育机制, 再生和系统级可塑性. In her laboratory, they investigate the cascade of events following injury that underlie Lumbriculus' remarkable regenerative ability; an ability that has been lost in higher order vertebrates. Dr. 马丁内斯·阿科斯塔拥有16年的专业知识研究这个独特的模型系统. Much of this research has been carried out with the assistance of undergraduate student, community college student, 还有高中生研究员. Currently, she serve's the scientific community at large as the Treasurer for the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN), a national organization that is focused on neuroscience education and research at the undergraduate level. She has also served as a mentor to junior faculty and senior postdocs through the BRAINS (Broadening the Representation of Academic Investigators in NeuroScience) program and to graduate students through the 海洋生物实验室神经科学暑期项目 and Success summer course (SPINES). Lastly, Dr. Martinez Acosta served as a peer reviewer for the National Science Foundation and for the journal, Invertebrate Biology.

Developmental neurobiology; neural regeneration; stem cell dynamics during regeneration; molecular determinants and mechanisms of synaptic plasticity; comparative developmental biology; evolution of regenerative mechanisms; evolution of annelid structure/organization/and regeneration; photoreceptor characteristics in invertebrates.

Ongoing Research Support:

  1. NSF - REU Site: Biological Discovery in Woods Hole - (2/2017 - present) - Award #1659604 - This REU Site award to the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) located in Woods Hole, MA支持在2017-2019年夏季培训10名学生,为期10周. - Co-PI: Veronica G. Martinez Acosta


  1. NIMH - NRSA -神经科学多样性计划/美国心理学会(2002-2005) Grant No.: T32MH18882
  2. 美国国立卫生研究院校外合作研究发展奖(8/2010-12/2010) $10,000.00; Program Director: Brian McBurnett, Ph.D. (圣安东尼奥圣道大学)
  3. 国家科学基金重大研究及仪器拨款(1/2013-1/2014) $ 450,120.00; PI: Jonathan M. King, Ph.D. (Trinity University); (Grant No.: DBI-1229702) Co-PIs:Veronica G. Acosta, Ph.D(Univ. of the Incarnate Word); Tyisha Williams, Ph.D. (Trinity Univ.); James L. Roberts, Ph.D (Trinity Univ.); Franklyn G. Healy, Ph.D. (Trinity Univ.)
  4. High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)/Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP)/Department of Defense/Research Education Outreach - (2015) -BAA ONRBAA13-022-补充DoA补助金(W911NF-12-R-0009). Award Amount $3,000 each for 1 undergraduate student and 1 high school student research apprentices (Total $6000.00).
  5. Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP)/Department of Defense/Research Education Outreach - (2014) -BAA ONRBAA13-022 -DoA补助金的补充(W911NF-12-R-0009). 2名学生研究学徒的奖励金额为3,000美元(总计6,000美元).00).
  6. 国防部历史黑人研究与教育计划(5/2013 - 9/2016) -学院和大学和少数族裔服务机构(HBCU/MI) 617,974美元.00;PI: Veronica G. Acosta,PhD.(Univ. of Incarnate Word); Grant No.:BAA W911NF-12-R-0009