

教授、化学 办公地点:AT&T科学中心440 电话: (210) 254-3611

Dr. 拉斐尔一. Adrian was born in Caracas, 委内瑞拉 in 1973. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 化学 from Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, 委内瑞拉, 并获得了博士学位.D. in Inorganic 化学 from Baylor University in 2004. Dr. Adrian completed his formal training with Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of Houston in 2004 and the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 from 2005 to 2007. Before joining the University of the Incarnate Word as an Assistant Professor in August 2008, he held a 访问ing Assistant Professorship at the renowned Centre College in Danville, 肯塔基州.

在他的空闲时间,博士. Adrian loves traveling around the country with his wife, Marsha, and his son, Tyler. 他的爱好包括足球。, 摄影, 天文学, and anything related to airplanes, 无人驾驶飞机, 和一般的飞行.

  • Universidad Simon Bolivar (Caracas, 委内瑞拉) 化学 B.S. 1997
  • Baylor University (Waco, TX) Inorganic 化学 Ph.D. 200
  • 2013-Present: Associate 教授、化学, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2008-2013: Assistant 教授、化学, University of the Incarnate Word
  • 2007-2008: 访问ing Assistant 教授、化学, Centre College, Danville, KY
  • 2005-2007: NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 化学, The University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥, 圣安东尼奥, TX
  • 2004-2005: Welch Postdoctoral Fellow, 化学, University of Houston, Houston, TX
  • 艾德里安,R. A.拉格曼,B. J., & Arman H. D. (2021). Chlorido [1,2-bis(diphenylphosphan-yl)ethane-κ2P,P′](isonicotinamide-κN)palladium(II) nitrate acetonitrile monosolvate. IUCrData, 6, x211171.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.杜尔特,J. J., & Arman H. D. (2021). Di-μ-chlorido-bis[(2,2':6',2“-terpyridine -κ3 n,N',N')copper(II)] bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate). IUCrData, 6, x211096.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.南卡罗来纳州伊巴拉市. J., & Arman H. D. (2021). Bis(isonicotinamide-κN)silver(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate acetonitrile disolvate. IUCrData, 6, x211073.
  • 艾德里安,R. A., & Arman H. D. (2020). -chloro-2 Chlorido(4”,2':6',2“-terpyridine -κ3 n,N',N')(trifluoromethanesulfonato-κO)zinc(II) acetonitrile monosolvate. IUCrData, 5, x2901292.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.卡纳莱斯,D., & Arman H. D. (2020). (4′-Chloro-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine-κ3N,N′,N′′)bis(nitrato-κO)zinc(II). IUCrData, 5, x201344.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.埃尔南德斯,D. R., & Arman H. D. (2020). catena-Poly[[bis(acetonitrile-κN)(4,4 ' -dimethoxy-2,2》关于环-κ2 n,N′)(trifluoromethanesulfonato-κO)copper(II) triflouromethanesulfonate]]. IUCrData, 5, x201407.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.,经纪人,G. A.E. R. T., & Walmsley J. A. (2008). Palladium(II) complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline: Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure determination. Inorg. 詹. 学报,1261 - 1266.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.朱,S.鲍威尔,D。.R.,经纪人,G. A.E.R.T.沃姆斯利,J. A. (2007). Dinuclear palladium(II) complexes with bridging amidate ligands. 道尔顿反式., 4399-4404.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.朱,S.克劳斯迈耶,K. K., & Walmsley J. A. (2007). Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure determination of monomeric cis-Pd(2,2'-bipyridine)(NO3)2. Inorg. 化学. 通讯., 1527-1530.
  • 艾德里安,R. A.雅克林,M. M., & Klausmeyer K. K. (2004). Synthesis and Characterization of New Bi and Tri-nuclear Mo Carbonyl Compounds Obtained by Ligand Exchange Reactions of [Et4N]3[Mo3(CO)9(OMe)3]. 有机金属学报,23,1352-1358.
  • Klausmeyer K. K.艾德里安,R.汗,M., & Reibenspies J. H. (2003). Ligand Exchange Reactions of [Et4N]3[W2(CO)6(OMe)3]. A Reactive Binuclear Tungsten(0) Carbonyl Center. 有机金属学报,22,657-662.
  • International Union of Crystallography (2020 - present)
  • American Crystallographic Association (2019 - present)
  • Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (2019 - present)
  • Representative, 校本 Grievance 通讯ittee (2019 - present)
  • Texas Academy of Sciences (2012-2016, 2019 - present)
  • Chair, 校本 Department of 化学 and 生物chemistry (2013-2016)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (2012 - present)
  • 协调员, CHEM1101 化学ical Principles I Lab and CHEM1102 化学ical Principles II Lab (2011-present)
  • Faculty Advisor, 校本 生物chemistry and 化学 Club (2008 - present)
  • American 化学ical Society (1999 - present)
  • CHEM 1101 化学ical Principles I Lab
  • CHEM 1102 化学ical Principles II Lab
  • 化学1203L普通化学实验室
  • CHEM 1310 Introductory 化学
  • CHEM 1320 生物logical 化学 II
  • 化学原理1
  • CHEM 1302 化学ical Principles II
  • CHEM 1320L 生物logical 化学 II Lab
  • CHEM 1405 Science in Everyday Life
  • CHEM 2112 Organic 化学 II Lab
  • CHEM 2150 Principles of Organic 化学 and 生物chemistry Lab
  • 化学2311有机化学1
  • CHEM 2350 Survey Organic 化学
  • CHEM 3142 Experimental Methods in Inorganic 化学
  • CHEM 3342 Coordination and Solid-State 化学
  • 化学3441无机化学
  • CHEM 3441L Inorganic 化学 Lab
  • CHEM 4160/4260 Advanced 化学 Research
  • CHEM 4399 Special Topics: Advanced Inorganic 化学
  • CHEM 4431 Physical 化学 and Lab
  • CHEM 4431L Physical 化学 I Lab
Dr. Adrian's research interest lies in synthesizing novel metallic compounds with potential applications as antitumor agents. Dr. Adrian is particularly interested in understanding how the structural features of a metal complex, including the synergy between the metal and the ligand system, 影响其细胞毒性. His research aims to produce more effective, 有选择性的, 更少的有毒, and more affordable chemotherapeutic agents.