Richard Peigler

Richard Peigler, Ph.D.

Professor, Biology Office Location: AT&T Science Center 132 Phone: (210) 829-3832

Dr. 里克·佩格勒从小就是一名昆虫学家. He took many Entomology courses at Clemson University in his home state of South Carolina and then earned a Ph.D. in Entomology from Texas A&M University. He is passionate about moths of the worldwide family Saturniidae (see Research Interests below). He enjoys teaching Biology courses at UIW and has taken students on study trips overseas during several summers in recent years. He is also particularly interested in human evolution, plant taxonomy, and modern languages

  • B.S. in Horticulture from Clemson University
  • M.A. in Agricultural Education from Clemson University
  • Ph.D. in Entomology from Texas A&M University
  • 在南卡罗来纳当了三年的高中老师, 教九年级物理科学和十年级生物
  • 1990年代担任丹佛自然历史博物馆昆虫学馆长
  • 自1998年起成为道成肉身大学的教员
  • Wagner, D. L., D. L. Cain & R. S. Peigler.  2023.  A new Dryocampa species (Saturniidae: Ceratocampinae) from the Hill Country of Texas: not everything in Texas is big. 鳞翅目昆虫学报77(3):159-168.

  • Peigler, R. S. & Z.-Y. Liu. 2022. The life history and phylogeny of Samia watsoni (Saturniidae), a relict species endemic to China. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 76(2): 93-101.

  • Peigler, R. S. 2022. 茧鸣:鳞翅目学的一个有趣方面. News of the Lepidopterists’ Society 64(2): 63-71.
  • Bingaman, G. A. & R. S. Peigler. 2022. 土蜱与土蜱属间杂交的最新报道. 鳞翅目动物学报64(3):150-155,121.
  • Liu, Z.-Y. & R. S. Peigler. 2021. 中央土蝇及相关土蝇科的生活史和食虫性. 鳞翅目昆虫学报75(3):174-186.
  • Peigler, R. S. & Z.-Y. Liu. 2021. 宋代绢本写真画三蝇(土蝇科). 鳞翅目昆虫学报,63(3):126-129,142.
  • Peigler, R. S. & Z.-Y. Liu. 2021. 月蛾的生活史 & Bouyer, 1998, reveals it to be a true member of the felicis-group (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). 昆虫学报,42(4):226-233.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2020. 第十九章:野生蚕丝:它们的昆虫学方面和它们的纺织应用. 715-745,天然纤维手册,第一卷,第二版. Elsevier and The Textile Institute.
  • Dupuis, J. R., R. S. Peigler, S. M. Geib & D. Rubinoff. 2019. Phylogenomics supports in congruence between ecological specialization and taxonomy in a charismatic clade of buck moths. Molecular Ecology: in press.
  • Rubinoff, D., M. San Jose & R. S. Peigler. 2017. Multi-gene phylogeny of the Hemileuca maiacomplex (Saturniidae) across North America suggests complex phylogeography and rapid ecological diversification. Systematic Entomology 42: 621-634. DOI: 10.1111/syen.12235
  • Peigler, R. S. & Rolf G. Oberprieler. 2017. 土蚕科蚕茧和蚕丝的人种志描述, Lasiocampidae and Psychidae. 昆虫学报,38(2):113-120.
  • Peigler, R. S. & Stefan Naumann. 2016. What exactly is Antheraea paphia (Linnaeus, 1758)? Atalanta 47(3/4): 500-520.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2016. Field observations of Agapema dyari Cockerell, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in western Texas. 昆虫学学报,阿波罗37(2/3):69-72.
  • Naumann, Stefan, R. S. Peigler & Swen Löffler. 2014. A new species of Samia Hübner, 1819(" 1816 ")(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科)自越南, with taxonomic updates for the genus. The European Entomologist 5(4): 101-115.
  • Peigler, R. S. & John V. Calhoun. 2013. Correct authorship of the name Phalaena ricini and the nomenclatural status of the name Saturnia canningi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae).Tropical Lepidoptera Research 23(1): 39-43.
  • Naumann, Stefan & R. S. Peigler. 2012. 文章标题印度尼西亚塞拉亚岛蠓属一新种(鳞翅目:蠓科). 昆虫学报,阿波罗33(1):45-48.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2012. Diverse evidence that Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is entirely of sericultural origin. Tropical Lepidoptera Research 22(2): 93-99.

Additional Publications in Chronological Order

  • R. S. Peigler. 1976. 红粉蚧寄主植物关系及幼虫营养的观察. 鳞翅目昆虫学报30(3):184-187.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1977. Hybridization of Callosamia (Saturniidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 31(1): 23-34.
  • R. O. Kendall & R. S. Peigler. 1981. Hemileuca grotei (Saturniidae): its morphology, natural history, spacial and temporal distribution. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 35(1): 41-50.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1981. Demonstration of reproductive isolating mechanisms in Callosamia (Saturniidae) by artificial hybridization. 鳞翅目研究19(2):72-81.
  • J. C. E. Riotte & R. S. Peigler. 1981. 美洲金龟子属(金龟子科)的订正. 鳞翅目研究19(3):101-180.
  • R. S. Peigler & S. B. Vinson. 1984. 德克萨斯州布拉索斯县飞蝇种类的时间分布. The Southwestern Entomologist 9(1): 48-51.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1985. Zwei neue Arten der Gattung蝽(鳞翅目,蝇科). 阿波罗昆虫学杂志(法兰克福)6(2):53-60.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1985. Description, distribution, and biology of a new Hemileuca (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) from western Texas and southern New Mexico. 阿波罗昆虫学杂志(法兰克福)6(2):113-124.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1986. Worldwide predilection of resiniferous hostplants by three unrelated groups of moths in the genera Actias, 银蛾亚科(夜蛾科). 鳞翅目昆虫学报,37(1):45-50.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1988. A review of pollination of Magnolia by beetles, with a collecting survey made in the Carolinas. Journal of the Magnolia Society 45: 1-8.
  • R. S. Peigler & S. B. Vinson. 标题得克萨斯州夜蛾科夜蛾属寄主记录. 鳞翅目昆虫学报42(2):144-145.
  • R. S. Peigler & S. E. Stone. 1989. Taxonomic and biological notes on the Hemileuca maia complex (Saturniidae) with description of a new species from Texas and New Mexico. 鳞翅目昆虫学报,40(2):149-166.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1992. 萨米亚辛西娅的身份及其引进种群的地位. Wild Silkmoths '91: 164-178.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1993. Megamoths. Wyoming Wildlife 57(8): 20-25.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1993. A defense of Ailanthus. American Horticulturist 72(2): 38-43.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1993. 银蝇亚科属的枝源分析. 鳞翅目昆虫学报,47(3):211-228.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1993. Wild silks of the world. American Entomologist 39(3): 151-161.
  • R. S. Peigler & R. O. Kendall. 1993. 银翅蝇属研究进展(鳞翅目:银翅蝇科). 丹佛自然历史博物馆学报,第三系列,第3期:1-22.
  • K. Veenakumari, P. Mohanraj & R. S. Peigler. 1995. 来自印度安达曼群岛的大鲵生活史(大鲵科). 鳞翅目研究31(3):169-179.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1996. Catalog of parasitoids of Saturniidae of the world. The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 33: 1-121.
  • T. P. Friedlander, K. R. Horst, J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & Q. Q. Fang. 1998. 双核基因在红蝶内的亲缘关系(鳞翅目:红蝶科). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9(1): 131-140.
  • J. C. Regier, Q. Q. Fang, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler, T. P. Friedlander & M. Alma Solis. 1998. 鳞翅目中周期基因的进化及其系统发育应用. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15(9): 1171-1182.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1999. Taxonomy, distribution, 美洲柞蚕种的养蚕潜力. 印度蚕桑学会通报3(1):1-9.
  • Colleen N. Ramos & R. S. Peigler. 1999. 鉴别真丝织物用丝纤维的比较超微结构. International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk 4: 17-29.
  • R. S. Peigler & E. W. Classey. 2000. 塞茨的《澳门博彩官网下载》. 鳞翅目昆虫学报42(3):93- 95,108 -109.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & T. P. Friedlander. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships in Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera): initial evidence from elongation factor-1alpha sequences. Insect Systematics & Evolution 31(2): 179-186.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, T. P. Friedlander & R. S. Peigler. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships in Sphingidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera): initial evidence from two nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20(2): 311-325.
  • Peigler, R. S. & Jane W. Baird. 2001. 北美七种蚕丝的纺丝初步实验. International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk 6: 1-6.
  • S. Naumann & R. S. Peigler. 2001. 蚕属四新种记述(鳞翅目:蚕科). 阿波罗昆虫学杂志(法兰克福)22(2):75-83.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & T. P. Friedlander. 2002. Monophyly, composition, and relationships within Saturniinae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae): evidence from two nuclear genes. Insect Systematics & Evolution 33(1): 9-21.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2002. 大鲵的选型命名(1873年Maassen)(大鲵科). Revista de Revista de Lepidopterologia 30: 311-313.
  • Peigler, R.S. & K.L. Wolfe 2004. Rediscovery of Anisota leucostygma (Boisduval, 1872), description of its immature stages, and notes on the genus Anisota Hübner, [1820] in Mexico (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Revista de Lepidopterologia 32 (125): 5-12.
  • R. S. Peigler. 2004. Discovery and publication of unpublished manuscript pages on African Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) by Max Gaede (1871-1946) / Entdeckung und Publikation bisher unbekannter Manuskriptseiten über afrikanische Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) von Max Gaede (1871-1946). Galathea (Nürnberg), Suppl. 15: 23-30.
  • Regier, J. C., U. Paukstadt, Laela H. Paukstadt, C. Mitter & R. S. Peigler. 2005. Phylogenetics of eggshell morphogenesis in Antheraea (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae): unique origin and repeated reduction of the aeropyle crown. Systematic Biology 54(2): 254-267.
  • Veenakumari, K., P. Mohanraj & R. S. Peigler. 2005. Life history of Actias ignescens (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) reared on its natural host plant, Crypteronia paniculata, on South Andaman Island. 鳞翅目昆虫学报56(3):184-192.
  • R. S. Peigler & Merced Maldonado. 2005. Uses of cocoons of Eupackardia calleta and Rothschildia cincta (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) by Yaqui Indians in Arizona and Mexico. 昆虫学报,阿波罗26(3):111-119.
  • Ylla, J., R. S. Peigler & Akito Y. Kawahara. 2005. Cladistic analysis of moon moths using morphology, molecules, and behavior: Actias Leach, 1815; Argema Wallengren, 1858; Graellsia Grote, 1896 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). 鳞翅目学报(马德里)33(131):299-317.
  • Regier, J.C., Grant, M.C., Mitter, C., Cook, C.P., Peigler, R.S., Rougerie, R. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships of wild silkmoths (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) inferred from four protein-coding nuclear genes. Systematic Entomology 33: 219-228.
  • Burke, Joel T. & R. S. Peigler. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis of Anisota (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) based on scolus size and structure of mature larvae. Southeastern Naturalist 8: 739-745.
  • Balboa, Alejandro A. and Peigler, R.S. 2011. Artificial hybridization between Anisota finlaysoni from Ontario and Anisota discolor from Texas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). The European Entomologist 3: 121-131.

Books, Book Chapters and Forewords

  • R. S. Peigler. 1989. A Revision of the Indo-Australian Genus Attacus. 鳞翅目研究基金会,加州比佛利山庄. xi + 167 pp.
  • R. S. Peigler & H. Y. Wang. 1996. Saturniid Moths of Southeastern Asia. Taiwan Museum, Taipei. 265 pp.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1996. Foreword, pp. 《澳门博彩官网下载》,约翰·科迪著. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 163 pp.
  • R. S. Peigler. 1997. Prólogo, pp. 9-10 in the book: Observar Mariposas, by A. Masó & M. Pijoan. Editorial Planeta, Barcelona. 320 pp.
  • R. S. Peigler. 2004. 马达加斯加的蚕蛾,《澳门博彩官网下载》第10章. 芝加哥菲尔德自然历史博物馆/加州大学洛杉矶分校福勒博物馆. 196 pp.
  • R. S. Peigler & S. Naumann. 2003. A Revision of the Silkmoth Genus Samia. University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio. 288 pages, 16 color plates, 10 maps.
  • Miranda, Robert A. & R. S. Peigler. 2007. Phylogenetic analysis of the Saturnia-group (Saturniidae) of genera based on scolus structure of mature larvae. 鳞翅目昆虫学报,58(4):433-441.
  • Burke, Joel T. & R. S. Peigler. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis of Anisota (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) based on scolus size and structure of mature larvae. Southeastern Naturalist 8(4): 739-745.
  • Balboa, Alejandro A. & R. S. Peigler. 2011. Artificial hybridization between Anisota finlaysoni from Ontario and Anisota discolor from Texas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). The European Entomologist 3(3): 121-131.
  • Steele, Trevor J. & R. S. Peigler. 2015. Biology of four species of Hemileuca (Saturniidae) in Texas with special reference to their parasitoids. Lepidoptera Science 66(1): 1-7.
  • Louwagie, Joseph H., III & R. S. Peigler. 2016. 德克萨斯州南部小圆蝽的生物学和化学生态学. Lepidoptera Science 67(2): 58-66.
  • Travis, James H., Jr. & R. S. Peigler. 2016. A closer look at wild silks. 纺织品(曼彻斯特纺织学会官方杂志)43(2):23-24.
  • Seidel, Cody L. & R. S. Peigler. 2018. Entomological aspects of sericulture based on Antheraea assamensis and Samia ricini (Saturniidae) in Assam and Meghalaya. Tropical Lepidoptera Research 28(1): 13-18. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.124820

Selected Publications

  • Dupuis, J. R., R. S. Peigler, S. M. Geib & D. Rubinoff. 2018. Phylogenomics supports in congruence between ecological specialization and taxonomy in a charismatic clade of buck moths. Molecular Ecology 27(22): 4417-4429. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14883
  • Rubinoff, D., M. San Jose & R. S. Peigler. 2017. Multi-gene phylogeny of the Hemileuca maia complex (Saturniidae) across North America suggests complex phylogeography and rapid ecological diversification. Systematic Entomology 42: 621-634. DOI: 10.1111/syen.12235
  • Peigler, R. S. & Rolf G. Oberprieler. 2017. 土蚕科蚕茧和蚕丝的人种志描述, Lasiocampidae and Psychidae. 昆虫学报,38(2):113-120.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2016. Field observations of Agapema dyari Cockerell, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in western Texas. 昆虫学学报,阿波罗37(2/3):69-72.
  • Peigler, R. S. 2012. Diverse evidence that Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is entirely of sericultural origin. Tropical Lepidoptera Research 22(2): 93-99.
  • T. P. Friedlander, K. R. Horst, J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & Q. Q. Fang. 1998. 双核基因在红蝶内的亲缘关系(鳞翅目:红蝶科). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9(1): 131-140.
  • J. C. Regier, Q. Q. Fang, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler, T. P. Friedlander & M. Alma Solis. 1998. 鳞翅目中周期基因的进化及其系统发育应用. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15(9): 1171-1182.
  • Colleen N. Ramos & R. S. Peigler. 1999. 鉴别真丝织物用丝纤维的比较超微结构. International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk 4: 17-29.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & T. P. Friedlander. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships in Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera): initial evidence from elongation factor-1alpha sequences. Insect Systematics & Evolution 31(2): 179-186.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, T. P. Friedlander & R. S. Peigler. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships in Sphingidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera): initial evidence from two nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20(2): 311-325.
  • Peigler, R. S. & Jane W. Baird. 2001. 北美七种蚕丝的纺丝初步实验. International Journal of Wild Silkmoth & Silk 6: 1-6.
  • J. C. Regier, C. Mitter, R. S. Peigler & T. P. Friedlander. 2002. Monophyly, composition, and relationships within Saturniinae (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae): evidence from two nuclear genes. Insect Systematics & Evolution 33(1): 9-21.

Dr. Peigler has published numerous scholarly papers on wild silkmoths (family Saturniidae) and authored and co-authored a few books and book chapters on the moths and the silks they produce. He has collaborated with co-authors in Europe and Asia on silkmoths and co-authored on molecular genetics of these moths with colleagues at other universities in the United States. 他特别关注野生蚕蛾,包括寄主植物生态学, parasitoids, taxonomy, phylogeny, and sericulture. 他曾在日本做过关于野蚕蛾和野蚕丝的特邀演讲, Australia, China, India, Madagascar, and the United States.

  • BIOL 1401 Diversity of Life
  • BIOL 4346 Human Evolution
  • BIOL 4450 Entomology
  • BIOL 4344 Evolution and Systematics